Published onOctober 25, 2019What's new in JavaScript: Optional ChainingbeginnersarticleDiscover one of the most anticipated upcoming features of JavaScript, optional chaining and start using it right now
Published onOctober 14, 2019Best laptops for programmer under 800 DollarsbeginnersarticleGet yourself a new laptop, suitable for all your needs as a programmer, for under 800 dollars
Published onOctober 13, 20195 Best note taking apps for programmersbeginnersarticleTaking notes is a vital part of the job of programmer and these apps will help you easily take notes that you can export and save in different formats
Published onOctober 6, 20195 Great VSCode extensions for web developersbeginnersarticleArguably, the most fun part of installing a new IDE is to check out the extensions available. In this article I will tell you the 5 I think every developer should install
Published onSeptember 9, 2019Create Pomodoro Clock in JavaScript Tutorial | freeCodeCampjstutorialsfreecodecampUse only JavaScript and create a Pomodoro Clock in one hour and complete this project inspired by the FreeCodeCamp curriculum